Hi, my name’s María Araque but everybody calls me Mary. I’m from San Cristóbal. I’m teen. I’m 19 years old, I weigh 57 kilograms, and I’m medium. My height is 1.58 meters, my eyes are dark brown, my hair is Light brown shoulder length, and I’m white.
I study engineering electronic mention: Telecommunications at URBE. I live in Maracaibo, in Fuerzas Armadas.
I love to my family and the technology; they’re the best in the world. I like listen to music especially the content music as that of Ricardo Arjona. I like the science fiction movies and terror. I like the chocolate and the ice-cream too. .
I hate Chavez because he attempts against the democracy and the peace of Venezuela and the world. I can’t stand the war and the injustice.
My dream is to graduate, to make some post-grades, to study chemical engineering, to make a post - grade in nuclear chemistry and other in biochemical and to have my own company.
My opinion about English is that English is an universal language, which opens us many doors or windows toward the world. It is for it that indispensable to learn it.
martes, 18 de septiembre de 2007
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